EverGreen Funding Team [EFT]

Subscriptions fund Blueprints that inform subscribers of healthy lifestyle ideas. As members realize how eco-eco connections between lifestyle and life systems work, Gaia benefits.
Volunteering is generally considered an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social gain "to benefit another person, group or organization".

Volunteering is also renowned for skill development and is often intended to promote goodness or to improve human quality of life.

Volunteering may have positive benefits for the volunteer as well as for the person or community served. It is also intended to make contacts for possible employment.

Many volunteers are specifically trained in the areas they work, such as medicine, education, or emergency rescue. Others serve on an as-needed basis, such as in response to a natural disaster.

Funding is the act of providing financial resources, usually in the form of money, or other values such as effort or time, to finance a need, program, and project, usually by an organization or company.
Sponsoring something (or someone) is the act of supporting an event, activity, person, or organization financially or through the provision of products or services.
Sponsor perks include advertising and promotion to recognize valued support in sponsorship and donations.
Evergreen Funding Team offers alternative ways to learn and earn.

Habitat for Health [H4H] hires Freelancers to complete gigs. A freelancer is a person who is self-employed.

H4H pays Freelancers using PayPal for all transactions.

If you apply to be a freelance supplier to Habitat for Health, you agree to declare your earnings after expenses as income on your tax return.

a free PayPal business account.
have a computer, software, and internet skills.
be able to work remotely and attend meetings online.

How EFT Works

EFT Members include Subscribers, Volunteers, Funders, Sponsors, Freelancers and anyone who wants to raise funds helping and using H4H resources.

Fundraisers tend to function best when the head and the heart rule in harmony, making sure that they convey to the donor their evident honesty and passion for the cause whilst at the same time ensuring that the organization they work for spends the fruits of their efforts very effectively.

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Like GAIA First Projects?

  1. Work from home on gigs or business. Who else creates massive income options for GAIA First?
  2. Volunteer, learn, and earn. Where else can you do all 3 at the same place?
  3. Save money, save the planet. Why not fund GAIA First projects?

GAIA Fan Club Organization

Obvious indicators include:

  • improper waste disposal,
  • environmental stress,
  • property damage,
  • threats to human andl as wild life health and safety.

These indicators also point to much larger underlying conditions associated with climate change. Outcomes are literally becoming do or die scenarios.

For example, climate change is 
wreaking havoc as frequency and scale of storm damage increases. It renders governments unable or unwilling to act in responsible ways.

It's obvious that persons unwilling to help are not part of the solution. Instead, they end up as yet another burden on Governments who do act, but are limited by dwindling resources. Today Catch-22 mismanagement associated with the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) have become a tragic do or die reality.

Fortunately, parts of government at all levels, it's representatives, and employees that continue to do what they can with what they have, must be supported in any way possible. Drastic corrective action must be taken to avoid apparent do or die choices.
 The age of Catch-22 mismanagement must end

Habitat for Health is built to ease the gap between where government resources dwindle and where human NGO resources can be assembled to increase natural resource management, recovery, and potential to speed up GAIA's carrying capacity.

Habitat for Health is built to help people recover from economic, environmental and climate induced disasters.

A nonprofit organization (NPO), also known as a non-business entity, not-for-profit organization, or nonprofit institution, is an organization traditionally dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating a shared point of view.

In economic terms, it is an organization using the surplus of its revenues to further its objective, rather than distributing its income to the organization's shareholders, leaders, or members. Being public extensions of a nation's revenue department, nonprofits are tax-exempt or charitable, meaning they do not pay income tax on the money that they receive for their organization. They can operate in religious, scientific, research, or educational settings.

Habitat for Health is a Web based research, publishing and consulting company that operates in educational and remedial settings.


A common misconception about nonprofits is that they are run completely by volunteers. Most nonprofits have staff that work for the company, possibly using volunteers to perform the nonprofit's services under the direction of the paid staff.

Unlike most top down organizations Habitat for Health is built as a bottom up organization to help people recover from economic, environmental and climate induced disasters.

Benefactors and Beneficiaries

A benefactor is somebody who gives a gift, often money to a charity or someone who performs good or noble deeds.

At Habitat for Health a beneficiary is one who benefits from the distribution of Members' gifts of time, money or other benefit.

Membership is voluntary. Time, money or other benefits are considered as donations and not refundable. And yes, Members can earn as much as they are capable of achieving within legal boundaries.

GAIA is first both benefactress and beneficiary of Habitat for Health projects.

Habitat for Health is built to help people recover from economic, environmental and climate induced disasters. Beneficiaries get help from pay it forward projects and net proceeds.

Habitat for Health benefits from a percentage of expense proceeds.

Members benefit from a percentage of expense proceeds including:

  • personal income,
  • our GFC Affiliate program,
  • On the Job Training, and
  • experience from pay it forward projects.

Sustaining Eco-Eco Relations

Habitat for Health supports and promotes Ecological and Economical (Eco-Eco) relations.

Human economic relations between manufacturer, retailer and customer in business are connected to the natural ecologic relations between consumers, producers and their environments in nature.

Eco objectives of humans differ in many ways from eco objectives in nature. Notwithstanding differences, eco-eco relations also have many benefits that support each others' reason to be.

H4H recognizes both eco-eco independence and interdependence. H4H Blog and Blueprints are designed to bridge gaps between the two parties. We work toward these goals by communicating both commercial and environmental positions.