What's Your Plan?

Our plan to help people save money and save the planet while preparing for environmental change, now includes ways to assist in economic recovery.

Learn and earn anywhere, anytime, online and in your community.

Habitat for Health is built to help people recover from environmental or climate induced disasters. GAIA Fan Club Membership is a gateway to accelerate self-paced income and GAIA First lifestyle improvement opportunities. Now we have self-paced, part or full time work anywhere, anytime, online and in your community.

  • The GAIA Fan Club (GFC) Blog is an idea generator and gateway for free access.
  • The GFC Ezine catalogs blog posts, opportunities and articles for GFC Projects.
  • The free assignment teaches participants low and no risk ways to save money on electrical bills.
  • The money you'll save is more than enough for GFC Membership dues.
  • Persons who choose to become members get fast tracked into working on or starting up GAIA First projects.
  • Methods used include on-the-job training (OJT) and work-from-home opportunities supported with creative and technical resources.

You'll probably leave this page before reading how GAIA Fan Club works on the next page. I understand this may not be for you. But before you leave, please consider forwarding a link to this page to someone you know who might be interested in the kind of opportunities that may change their life forever.